About me

Hi, I’m Alex, a Senior Software Engineer with 10+ years of experience. Born and raised in the beautiful state of Santa Catarina — Brazil, I currently live in the Czech Republic — the heart of Europe.

I believe and contribute to open source. There’s a handful of projects on my GitHub account. Besides creating my own projects, contributing to existing ones is also important. LibreOffice is probably the first project that I contributed to. Mozilla Firefox is one of the longest that I’ve been part of. Not all my contributions are code related. Firefox itself is one example, I contribute to it by testing and report issues.

Sharing knowledge is part of my nature. In 2014, I co-founded Buteco Tecnológico (formerly Buteco Open Source). Over the years I have written hundreds of articles for our blog. In 2020, we also started a podcast. Buteco Tecnológico is in Portuguese as our focus is Brazil.

In 2016 we founded Hackerspace Blumenau. I had the opportunity to hold many meetups in person while in Brazil. I still contribute to this project with online meetups and administrative needs.

In 2017 and 2018 I was the coordinator of FLISoL Blumenau. FLISoL is an event that happens simultaneously across many cities in Latin America.

Outside Brazil, I had the opportunity to be a volunteer at QCon and DevConf.CZ.

Topics that I’m interested in and that I research in my free time are Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. I have an interest in autonomous systems and self-driving cars. I’m no expert in these fields, but I like to keep an eye on trends.

Aside from tech, my hobbies include traveling, photography and music.